New Seniors Start Here
Welcome to the Fort Snelling Squadron!
Our official unit number is NCR-MN-131 (we are in the North Central Region of CAP, Minnesota wing and unit 131). It will be useful to remember this number, as well as, your CAP ID as you will use them frequently.
We are thrilled that you are joining us! Civil Air Patrol has so many great things to offer that we know you are going to have a great time. We couldn't make this a great experience for our cadets without your help. Thank you for serving in this way!
Scroll down to read all of the following topics or click a link to go directly there:
- Uniforms for Seniors
- Logging into eServices for the first time
- Minnesota Wing Website
- About Civil Air Patrol
- Cadet Protection
- See what's in the New Cadet Kit
Your CAP will come in the mail. You will be expected to carry this on you at every CAP function you go to, including squadron meetings. You may not be asked to produce it every time, but you could be denied access to an event if you don't have it on you.
While you are waiting for your new ID to arrive (or a replacement one if you lose your card), log on to eServices (process described below). After logging in, click on your name in the top right corner and click on General Info. You will then see a button to print a temporary ID.
Uniforms for Seniors
Click here to get more information about uniforms for Seniors.
Logging into eServices for the first time:
Sign up for eServices, which is the website where you get a lot of your information and take tests.
Start with the main CAP website:
In the top right hand corner, click on the red eServices Login button.
Alternatively, you can go directly to
Under First Time Users, click on “Click here to register.”
After creating a username and password and prior to having full access to eServices, you will need to do a brief course on OPSEC (Operational Security). As part of your CAP duties, you may be having access to sensitive information and so this course teaches you how to properly handle and guard this information. After doing the course there is a link to click to say you have completed it.
Minnesota Wing Website:
A separate website that is very useful is the MN Wing website:
You will need to create an account on there. To do so, go to the Members menu and down to Intranet. Click on New User to sign up.
Two useful things from the MN Wing website:
- Searching for addresses and phone numbers for anyone in your squadron (or in the whole MN wing):
- Log in by going to the Members menu and Intranet
- Click on the Members Inquiry link.
- Enter in all or part of a first name or last name or or select our unit / squadron for a complete list: MN-131
- There will be a number of other useful pages on the MN Wing website that you will be taught about later.
About Civil Air Patrol
If you haven't already read or know about the history and mission of CAP, please read the brief history here. You will find as a Senior Member many people think of you as an expert in the organization. It is good to have some basic knowledge.
Cadet Protection
Civil Air Patrol takes cadet protection very seriously. You will be reading more about it during your Level 1 training. The full document about Cadet Protection is CAP Regulation 60-2. Further information is found on the Go Civil Air Patrol website under the Cadet Protection Training.
See what's in the New Cadet Kit
Imagine being a new cadet who has just signed up for CAP. They are very excited to get started and can't wait for their New Cadet Kit to arrive in the mail. If you would like to see what is in the kit and the first steps cadets take, please see the New Cadet Kit section of the cadet page.