IT Tip Sheet
Website Topics:
Check to make sure your meeting location and website links are correct on the following sites:
The GoCivilAirPatrol search page:
The info on the GoCivilAirPatrol search page should be updated by national if the CAPF 27 form was processed, but you can manually change it by logging into eServices. Go to the Menu on top left, Personnel, Membership System. On the next screen, click on the red Membership System at the top and Org. Maintenance. Look at the information at the bottom of the screen to update and submit.
On the website, check that the homepage menu for Squadrons takes you directly to our squadron webpage. If not, then contact the wing administrator to be put in touch with someone to update this. Additionally, if the wing website doesn't have the correct meeting address or website at then also contact the wing administrator to be put in touch with someone to update this.
In order to find login information for updating this website, the facebook page and any other online accounts, go to eServices, Menu on top left, Information Technology, Internet Operations.
View the Fort Snelling Website at
Log in to edit website at
Whenever making a change to a webpage through and then viewing it on you will need to hard refresh the browser window up to a couple of times to see the new changes (google how to hard refresh for the browser you are using and whether not your are viewing it on a Mac or PC: for example: Internet Explorer is Ctrl + F5 and Firefox is Cmd + Shift + r)
Civil Air Patrol Siteviz tutorials:
To Change your Username or Password, click on your current username in the top right hand corner.
To edit the webpage:
After logging in, click on the "Ft. Snelling Cadet Squadron" on the left hand side under "Websites." This should take you to a page with the files for the website listed on the right with subfiles nested underneath the main files. Click on the triangle to the left of the main page names (like About, Programs, etc) to view the subfiles.
Planning and Structure:
- The website has a preset format for uniformity
- There are 7 "Content boxes" that were originally named "Box 1," "Box 2," etc in order initially, but once renamed have been re-ordered alphabetically:
- Box 1 = now Slideshow - at the top of the screen of published website
- Boxes 2-7 are at the very bottom of the screen of published website and are, in order: Aerospace Education, Cadet Programs, Emergency Service, Fort Snelling Squadron Commander, Visit the Fort Snelling Squadron, About Civil Air Patrol
- The three news boxes underneath the Slideshow are automatically populated and cannot be changed.
- The 8th content box is the button immediately under the Slideshow and is "VISIT THE FORT SNELLING SQUADRON!"
- The 8 content boxes can be edited by going to the top left of the webpage editing window and clicking on Website Content Boxes.
General Notes:
- You can't change the color scheme of the website or the background photo of the homepage.
- For the most part, the structure of the website is set and you can just adjust the dropdown menus, photos (other than the background photo and news photos) and sub pages.
- Social Media under content boxes
- Calendar
Page and Menu Setup:
- Site Map
- About
- Our History
- Great Lakes Region Staff
- Great Lakes Region Commander
- Cadet Protection
- Giving
- News
- Media Resources
- Marketing
- GLR Magazine
- Volunteer Magazine
- Join
- How to Join
- Unit Locator
- Connect With Us
- Contact Us
- Events
- GLR Cadet Competition
- Region Staff College
- GLR Power Flight Academy
- Johnson Flight Academy
- Cyber Security Academy
- Members
- Inspector General
- Real ID Act of 2005
- About
- ### To Add Page
- Go on left to Web Pages
- Then on right click Add New Page
- Name Page
- Vast Majority of pages are Type Static Page
- Content is at the bottom of that page, but can leave blank initially
- go to bottom and Save and Publish
- #### Website Menus on left hand side of screen
- Click on the grid looking graphic to the far right of Header Menu (these are the blue headers at the top of the page)
- On right “add new menu item”
- on the second line down - click the link icon to the right and select page to link to
- Click the triangle in front of Pages and click the page you have already made
- Name the page after “Name”
- Select if open in same window and whether the menu is a drop down (choose YES)
- Can change order of menus by click, drag and drop
- ### To add a drop down for say About - go to the icon after the magnifying glass (add child page)
- Do this for every child page under a menu to have it all set up
- Hard refresh is Ctrl F5 on PC on mac in Firefox is Command + Shift + r
- Add links in menu drop down
- ### Need to add a page for the link - seems strange, but that is the way it is set up
- Click on the “New Page” on the right when in the Website pages (from left list)
- Give it a name
- Under Type - ### choose static link
- https://www.(
- Choose if in same window or new window
- Save and publish
- ### Need to drag and drop from Website Page list to nest it under where you want it (drag up and drag to the right to make it nested child page).
- ### if problems loading - then clear DNS cache (might have to delete http for photos)
Deleting a page
- Press the garbage can
- Then go into the page and go to the bottom and click “Publish page deletion”
Page Content:
- Click pencil icon to edit page (on far right)
- scroll down to text box at bottom.
- Edit Headings (top left of text box features - where says normal)
- Can bold and underline
- Click on Source button to see HTML code
- Save and publish
- To Add picture
- #### Admin dashboard
- #### Website files on left hand side
- Creat folder
- Click on folder
- Add file
- Name file
- Choose file
- Can resize
- Go back to webpage
- Click on pencil
- Go to text box at bottom
- Use add image button
- Find image in folder
- Alignment in bottom left of pop up window
- If picture is too big
- go back to image button
- Change width
- Add padding around photo
- Go to source button
- Under style for <img> go over to after style=“float:left” and add padding to make it style=“float:left; padding:0 15px”
- Prevent words wrapping around a picture
- <p><img alt="" height="366" src="/media/cms/Simon_Fenton_400_045A6CBE8F39D.jpg" style="float:left" width="400" /></p>
- Change style=“float:left" to style="left"
- <div style=”clear:both;”></div>
Page Tables:
- Staff Roster copy
Content Boxes:
1. Content boxes 2 to 7 are at the bottom of the page: National example:
- Aerospace Education
- Cadets
- Emergency Services
- National Commander’s Videos
- Upcoming Events
- Our Mission
- Global Reach Standard for image sizes on go civil air patrol website
- 372px wide x 350px tall
- Desktop
- Tablet
- Under Websites on top left (under website pages and Website Menus, click on Website Content Boxes
- Click on Pencil to right of Box one
- Give a name
- Open in new window
- Box #2
- name it
- Choose image
- Put in a link
Slide Show
- Website Content Boxes
- Slideshow in the middle
- To add photos, click on the slides tab at the top
- Click Add new Slide on the top right
- Ever picture needs a name and Desktop version. ### The name will be displayed
- Add Caption at the bottom
- Can make the picture a clickable link - makes a “learn more” button
- Desktop
- 1900x450 px photos (visible on devices greater than 767px)
- Go to Google Calendar
- Click on Gear icon
- Settings
- Scroll down and choose a calendar to share
- Integrate calendar
- Grab the inked code
- Change height and width
- Default Month view
- Set title of Calendar
- Copy code
- Go back to CAP website and click on Calendar page (if made, otherwise make it)
- Paste the HTML in the Source code
- Save and publish
Insert photo
- take out “Float”
- How to organize / upload photos
Insert a document for download:
1. Anchor: <a href="/media/cms/I02_27_06_Nov18_F0CEAAB09F27B.pdf" target="_blank">Index 0-2</a>